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Home » How to Lower Auto Insurance Rates in North Carolina
November 28, 2023

How to Lower Auto Insurance Rates in North Carolina

white car with auto InsuranceAuto insurance is an essential expense for all drivers in North Carolina. Nevertheless, there is no need to deplete your budget to secure the necessary coverage. There are various approaches to decrease your auto coverage expenses in North Carolina.

Tips to Lower Your Auto Insurance Payments in North Carolina

Use the following recommendations to save on your car insurance premiums:

  1. Consider bundling insurance policies. Many insurance providers offer discounts when you bundle multiple insurance policies with them. This can include consolidating your insurance with your homeowners or renters insurance. This reduces your auto insurance expenses and simplifies your insurance management.
  2. Maintain a good driving record. Your driving history plays a substantial role in determining your auto insurance rates. To ensure you pay the lowest premiums possible, practice safe driving and adhere to traffic regulations. Many insurance companies extend discounts to responsible drivers, so sustaining a spotless driving record is a primary method for controlling insurance costs.
  3. Increase your deductible. Your deductible signifies the amount you must pay out of pocket when filing a claim. By raising your deductible, you can reduce your monthly premiums. However, you must have sufficient savings to cover the higher deductible in the event of an accident. Elevating your deductible involves calculated risk but can lead to substantial savings over time.
  4. Drive a more secure vehicle. The type of vehicle you operate can also impact your insurance rates. Safer vehicles with features like airbags, antilock brakes and advanced safety systems tend to attract lower insurance premiums. Before purchasing a new vehicle, assess its potential impact on your insurance expenses. If possible, opt for a vehicle that insurance providers deem safer.
  5. Complete a defensive driving course. Some insurance companies extend discounts to policyholders who complete a defensive driving course. These courses can enhance your driving skills and reduce accident risk.
  6. Consider usage-based insurance. Usage-based insurance (UBI) is a growing trend that involves installing a device in your vehicle to monitor your driving habits. If you consistently practice safe and responsible driving, you could qualify for substantial discounts on your premiums. UBI offers a personalized approach to tailoring insurance rates based on driving conduct.

Auto Coverage in Havelock, New Bern and Morehead, NC

By following these tips, you can find the most competitive rates and save money while maintaining the coverage you need. Contact Amato Insurance Group today for affordable auto insurance that meets your needs.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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